NDMC/Palika Kendra, Phase-I and Phase-II
New Delhi
Architect : Kuldip Singh
Institute of Town Planners
New Delhi
Architect: Kanvinde, Rai & Chowdhury
Legislative Assembly and High Court
1980 – Present
The Legislative Assembly comprises of an assembly block, four office-blocks and a council block covering 20,000sqm. The assembly hall has a folded-plate dome roof with 22m diameter at the base and a rise of 9m at the centre. The High court has six blocks: a central entrance block, a Chief Justice’s block, and four typical court blocks covering 12000sqm. The complex is a three-to-five-storeyed reinforced concrete framed structure with waffle floors.
Architect: Kanvinde , Rai & Chowdhury
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
New Delhi
Architect : Raj Rewal
Vidhan Bhavan
The new Vidhan Sabha Complex consists of six-sectors arranged to give an overall circular plan of 140m in diameter covering an area of about 29000 sqm. Within the extent of the building, the existing ground level falls by approximately 8m which has been integrated in the design in an imaginative manner and has resulted in two to five storey buildings.
The normal grid for the floor system is 10m x 10m having two way beams and secondary ribs at one third points in both directions.
The roof structures include a 26m diameter hemispherical dome on the Vidhan Sabha hall a doubly curved shell on a tringular base with two 43m sides and one 36m for a multipurpose hall a composite space truss in concrete and steel to cover 14m x 14m of Vidhan Parishad and two 30m x 30m lobby areas each supported on four columns with an interesting roof system.
Architect: Charles Correa
Indian Embassy
Architect: Ranjit Sabikhi
British Council Library
New Delhi
Architect: Charles Correa
Permanent Mission of India
New York, USA
Architect : Charles Correa
Centre for Science and Environment
New Delhi
Architect: BV Doshi
District Court and Lawyers' Chambers
Rohini, New Delhi
Architect : Jasbir Sawhney
Muskaan NGO
New Delhi
Architect : Babbar and Babbar Associates
Alliance Francaise
New Delhi
Architect : SPA Design, ARBD
CBI Headquarters
New Delhi
Architect : Raja Aederi
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Phase-I
Architect : ABRD Architects
Bharat Soka Gakkai, New Delhi
New Delhi
Architect : Kanvinde, Rai & Chowdhury
National Centre for Biological Sciences, Phase-II
Architect : Kanvinde, Rai & Chowdhury
Solar Pavilion
Yara Village, Madhya Pradesh
Architect : Studio VanRO